Testing modules
This tutorial will walk you through testing a module. You can choose what kind of account you want to test the module on.
This tutorial uses Foundry, a toolchain to simplify and speed up smart contract development. If you are not familiar with Foundry, feel free to check out their docs.
If you do not have foundry installed, run the following command and follow the onscreen instructions: bash curl -L https://foundry.paradigm.xyz | bash
- Get started with ModuleKit by using our template or adding it into an existing foundry project:
git clone https://github.com/rhinestonewtf/module-template.git
cd module-template
forge install
Testing the module
In this section, we will walk you through testing a simple validator.
- Duplicate the file
and rename toSimpleValidator.t.sol
and the contract toSimpleValidatorTest
If you added the ModuleKit to an existing project, you will need to create the SimpleValidator.t.sol
file yourself
and copy the code from
- Add the following import statement to the top of the file:
import { ECDSA } from "solady/utils/ECDSA.sol";
and change the following import
import { ValidatorTemplate, ERC1271_MAGICVALUE } from "../../src/validators/ValidatorTemplate.sol";
to the following:
import { SimpleValidator, ERC1271_MAGICVALUE } from "../../src/validators/SimpleValidator.sol";
and then change the code above the setup
function to the following:
contract SimpleValidatorTest is Test, RhinestoneModuleKit {
using RhinestoneModuleKitLib for RhinestoneAccount;
using ECDSA for bytes32;
RhinestoneAccount instance;
SimpleValidator simpleValidator;
- Edit the contract functions to match the following code:
function setUp() public {
// Setup account
instance = makeRhinestoneAccount("1");
vm.deal(instance.account, 10 ether);
// Setup validator
simpleValidator = new SimpleValidator();
(address owner,) = makeAddrAndKey("owner");
// Add validator to account
This function sets up the tests by creating an instance of the account, deploying and initialising the validator, and adding the validator to the account.
function testSendEth() public {
// Create userOperation fields
address receiver = makeAddr("receiver");
uint256 value = 10 gwei;
bytes memory callData = "";
// Create signature
(, uint256 key) = makeAddrAndKey("owner");
bytes32 hash =
instance.getUserOpHash({ target: receiver, value: value, callData: callData });
(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = vm.sign(key, hash.toEthSignedMessageHash());
bytes memory signature = abi.encode(abi.encodePacked(r, s, v), address(simpleValidator));
// Create userOperation
target: receiver,
value: value,
callData: callData,
signature: signature
// Validate userOperation
assertEq(receiver.balance, 10 gwei, "Receiver should have 10 gwei");
This function tests that the validator is setup and called correctly during the validateUserOp
function by creating a UserOperation, signing it, and then executing it.
function test1271Signature() public {
// Create signature
(, uint256 key) = makeAddrAndKey("owner");
bytes32 hash = keccak256("signature");
(uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) = vm.sign(key, hash.toEthSignedMessageHash());
bytes memory signature = abi.encodePacked(r, s, v);
// Validate signature
bytes4 returnValue = simpleValidator.isValidSignature(hash, signature);
// Validate signature success
"Signature should be valid"
This function tests that the validator behaves correctly during the isValidSignature
function by creating a signature and then checking that the signature is validated by the validator.
- Run
forge test
to run the tests and ensure that they pass. You should see something like the following message:
Running 1 test for ...
[PASS] ...() (gas: ...)
Test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 skipped; finished in 18.85ms
Ran 2 test suites: 5 tests passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped (5 total tests)