
Module Registry

Module Registration

Modules are smart contracts that hold self-contained features for smart accounts. These modules and their deployment metadata are stored on the Registry, allowing others to attest to them in order for users to find out whether a module is secure or not. Modules can be registered on the Registry in two different ways: during and after deployment.

During Deployment

You can register a Module on the Registry by deploying it through one of the Registry's deployment functions. These functions are:

deploy - Deploys a module using CREATE2 and registers it on the Registry.

function deploy(
    bytes calldata code,
    bytes calldata deployParams,
    bytes32 salt,
    bytes calldata metadata,
    ResolverUID resolverUID
    returns (address moduleAddr);

deployC3 - Deploys a module using CREATE3 and registers it on the Registry.

function deployC3(
    bytes calldata code,
    bytes calldata deployParams,
    bytes32 salt,
    bytes calldata metadata,
    ResolverUID resolverUID
    returns (address moduleAddr);

deployViaFactory - Deploys a module using a developer-supplied factory and registers it on the Registry.

function deployViaFactory(
    address factory,
    bytes calldata callOnFactory,
    bytes calldata metadata,
    ResolverUID resolverUID
    returns (address moduleAddr);

After Deployment

Modules can also be registered after they have already been deployed. This is done by calling the register function on the Registry.

function register(
    ResolverUID resolverUID,
    address moduleAddress,
    bytes calldata metadata

The deploy function of the Registry will set the sender field on the ModuleRecord to the zero address, because anyone can invoke this function.

After a successful Module registration, the Module Registry will store the Module in a ModuleRecord, that looks like this:

struct ModuleRecord {
    ResolverUID resolverUID; // The unique identifier of the resolver.
    address implementation; // The deployed contract address
    address sender; // The address of the sender who deployed the contract
    bytes metadata; // Additional data related to the contract deployment

You can query the Module Registry for a Module by using the getModule function.

function _getModule(address moduleAddress)
    returns (ModuleRecord storage)